Rawcliffe in focus

Cepac are committing significant investment to Rawcliffe in the most advanced technology. This post highlights some of the people, expertise, updates and technologies you'll find in this specialist packaging hub.

It will be updated regularly with new additions posted to our company LinkedIn page.

Map of the UK with the Rawcliffe site highlighted. Accompanied by icons representing the site, people, technology and sustainability.Map of the UK with the Rawcliffe site highlighted. Accompanied by icons representing the site, people, technology and sustainability.


Experts in supply of U.N Certified Packaging

Image montage showing fireworks packagging and UN boxes being tested. Surrounded by icons in hexagon shapes.

U.N. certified packaging has always been an important core of the Rawcliffe site's specialist expertise. We are constantly investing and innovating at our site, ensuring that we continue to lead in this field.

Our design team is well versed in the complexities of packaging for dangerous goods. Find out about our six stage process for creating corrugated packaging to UN standards here.


Investing in people

Image montage of staff pictures inside haxagonal frames.

At Cepac we’re incredibly proud of our amazing people and we love to share that. Over the past few months we have been profiling them.

At the Rawcliffe site we’ve so far spoken to John, Gareth and Eleanor about their roles, the changes they’ve witnessed in the industry and any particular highlights they’ve had since working with Cepac.

You can read all of our staff profiles here or use the links above to see what our people at Rawcliffe have to say.



Transit Packaging specialists

Image of a Cepac branded lorry leaving a factory. Surrounded by transit themed icons within hexagons.

At our Cepac Rawcliffe site, we design and produce the definitive range of transit packaging. Since our inception we have focussed on Performance Packaging, ensuring that we make the most of the best papers through clever design and rigorous testing. Our Performance Packaging strategy has transformed corrugated packaging through the application of science and new technology.

Our transit packaging is durable, versatile and includes options for decoration. Whether you’re looking for E-Commerce packaging, pallet boxes or more specialised solutions, we’ve got options to suit. The Workshop at Rawcliffe is the ideal venue to design something totally unique. Spend a day with our team and take an idea from design concept to prototype.

Boxes to hold kitchen doors with blue text and branded illustrations.

Last year the site picked up the award for Reusable Pack of the Year at the UK Packaging Awards. This is just one example of the innovation and design expertise we pride ourselves on at Cepac.


Leading design facilities

Photo montage of the facilities, people working and design images.

At Cepac, we believe that collaboration is the key to improving performance and creating more cost effective solutions. Our design facilities provide a valuable resource that allows us to hold engaging and educational pack development sessions with our customers.

Our award winning team are capable of rapidly generating ideas. They have at their disposal cutting edge technologies to design and test packaging concepts on site. Our designers are a part of the full product process, through concept to prototype and testing.

We’ve a proven track record of innovating with corrugated cardboard. Whether you’re looking to add protection to your current range, discuss plastic replacement or completely reinvent the wheel we’re here to help. With a long history of working with household names you can trust our design team with your brand.


Expanding client base

Image and icon montage of packaging equipment and illustrations of food and drink.

Cepac has supplied the food and drinks market since our earliest days. Our Rawcliffe site is probably best known for chemicals, dangerous goods and transit packaging.

However, Rawcliffe also produces a range of speciality packaging in place of ‘single-use-plastics.’ Pizza bases produced from paper, for example, have replaced the former polystyrene discs. Cepac has a pipeline of new paper-based products which have been developed expressly for food packaging.

Cepac are innovators and pioneers, producing high quality corrugated solutions. Rawcliffe has BRCGS accreditation to AA status as well as passing the AA+ grade with an unscheduled visit by BRC in summer 2022. These key developments all allow us to supply a growing range of packaging for food and pharmaceuticals markets from the Rawcliffe site.


High quality post print

Chromacut machine photograph accompanied by print related icons in hexagon containers.

As a group, Cepac have investigated and invested in a multitude of print technologies and processes. We are firm believers that every project deserves the right print for the job.

To support this, a multimillion-pound investment programme is currently underway to install state-of-the-art technology including the very latest high quality printer from Koenig and Bauer which is being commissioned in the first half of 2023. This will be a significant installation at the Rawcliffe site.

Together we achieve more

We believe in working collaboratively at all levels of our business. Get in touch with one of our experts to find the right solution for your requirements.


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